Where Active Seniors are Happy Seniors (831) 424-5066
The following are members of ASI
Board of Directors
Our board meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM
and the general membership is invited to attend

Bob Whitlock
Maintenance Chair

Gerry Reynolds
1st Vice President
Kitchen Lunch Coordinator

Linda Evans
2nd Vice President
Policy and Procedure Chair
Interim office Director

Sera Hirasuna
Bob McGregor
Director of Finance
Michael Beck
Member at Large

Christine Higgins
Witold Piekarski
Member at Large

Laura Ruggieri
Luncheon Speakers

Stephen Doolittle
Member at Large

Yvonne Mraule
Member at Large
By-Laws of the Organization
Active Seniors By-Laws, effective June 13, 2024. Click HERE

Michael Gaines
Social Dance Chair
Sharon Piazza
Tour Director

Dwight Freedman
IT Director

Jim Tripp
Tech committee,

George Niesen
Newsletter editor

Margaret Neal
Grant Writer
Luncheon Food Servers Chair
Donna Elder-Holifield Board Member-Chair
Sera Hirasuna Board Member
Gerry Reynolds Board Member
Wayne McDaniel Member at large
Robert Pettit Member at large
The ASI Nominating Committee is chartered with creating a set of Policies and Procedures that describes and codifies the process of identifying, selecting, and recruiting candidates to serve on our Board of Directors. What has been an informal process in the past is now being formalized and documented. The committee is now in the process of reviewing draft language, with the goal of presenting a formal Policy and Procedure chapter to the entire Board of Directors for discussion in June.
Nominating Committee Report
Donna Elder-Holifield, Chair
The beginning strategy for our Nominating Committee was to get the word out we were looking for prospective Board Members. We put flyers on tables at luncheons, advertised in the Newsletter, posted on the website and relied on activity leaders to share information about the Board. We were looking for leadership potentials. As a result the Committee is submitting the following slate for election to the Board. Committee members conducted interviews so we could present these short bios.
ROBERT MCGREGOR is well known at ASI. He is currently serving as Chief Financial Officer. He also served as president of ASI. His experience will be
invaluable in moving ASI into the future.
MIKE BECK is a retired physician’s assistant who has worked on ASI’s food distribution committee. He has also worked as an election official when ASI
serves as a polling place. In addition, Mike has experience serving on the Monterey County Grand Jury.
YVONNE MRAULE has had quite a long managerial career working for Disneyland and Kaiser, among other companies. More recently, she has managed her late son’s dental office. She has also provided income tax preparation services for clients. Her current ASI activity is playing bridge.
STEVE DOOLITTLE has over 30 years experience in construction management for Universal Studios, Radio City Music Hall, etc. Locally, Steve has managed renovation of the old Porter-Irvine Building, built in l932. Several other Salinas buildings are on that list. He has managerial skills, knows how to
work with others, and gets things done.
Thanks to all the Committee members: Sera Hirasuna, Gerry Reynolds, Wayne McDaniels and Robert Pettit for their work. Thanks also to all who gave us ideas and/or considered being a Board Member.
The general membership will vote on the slate at
the January luncheon.