Where Active Seniors are Happy Seniors (831) 424-5066
Retired people often look for things to do, so this page
will list areas and activities that our members can volunteer for.
Remember, we are run by all volunteers, there is no paid
staff at Active Seniors so any help will be greatly appreciated.

1. Our Kitchen Crew can use cleanup help for after our monthly luncheons.
See Lionel Gill
2. Office volunteers are needed to staff ASI during our open hours.
See Karen Towle
3. Setup volunteers are needed for our monthly luncheon. You will help set up tables and chairs and arrange place mats and utensils. Just show up at 9:00 AM (or earlier) on the days of our luncheons.
4. The tech Assistance group is in dire need of people who know Apple products to help.
5. Luncheon Servers can always use some extra volunteers. See Margaret Neal
6. We are always looking for interesting articles for our newsletter. If you have something you think ASI members would enjoy or benefit from, send them to George Nissen